

Name of Organization: SOLUTIONS CAMEROUN
Date (of submission of report): January 30, 2023
Program: Africa Regional Democracy Fund Program
Please check one:      Quarterly/Progress Report Quarter No 4 : Ex: 4 (01-Jul-2022 to 29-Sep-2022)

Final Report (30-Sep-2021 to 29-Sep-2022)

1. Project Identification SCM80021GR3071
Project Title and location: Dikalo project
Award Amount (in Dollars): U.S. $ 22, 000
Project final completion date (Applicable for FINAL REPORT): Enter only the date when project is finished



  1. Project Implementation Narrative for the Reporting Period (Not more than 50 lines. Include results)


2.1 Project background


The DIKALO Project is based on an innovation which is the experimentation of an Internet platform for reporting, protecting and securing victims of human rights violations, and aims to contribute to the reduction of human rights violations in regions in conflict in Cameroon through the development of an intelligent device for alerting, protecting, defending and securing victims based on the opportunities of the Internet and led by organizations of society local civil and citizen involvement.


Specifically, the project aims to develop a permanent and secure Platform for alert, denunciation, documentation and intervention (DIKALO Platform) for cases of human rights violations; this Platform is composed of: 01 Web application downloadable on the telephones and allowing to report the cases, to geolocate them and to alert the human rights defenders who will ensure the follow-up, 01 website to communicate on these documented cases and 01 secure TELEGRAM group to facilitate the synergy of committed human rights defenders, it will allow citizens to report, in complete security, all cases of human rights violations of which they are aware; then, facilitate, through the synergy of well-trained human rights actors, the development of credible periodic reports on the state of human rights and the identification of risk areas in the regions in crisis for advocacy and lobbying campaigns; and finally, establish a strategy for securing, assisting and supporting the courts for women and children who are victims of human rights violations in the context of the conflict in the North-West and South-West of Cameroon.


All this will allow us to achieve the following results: a reduction of at least 10% in cases of human rights violations in conflict regions; the existence of a DIKALO Internet platform for the alert, defense and protection of human rights; the national and international community now has permanent and credible data on the human rights situation in the North-West and South-West of the country and will give an important place to the advocacy actions that will be undertaken; the CSOs intervening in this crisis are better equipped to properly document the cases and will improve their functioning in the protection of human rights; 25 women and girl victims are supported legally; 01 mobile application for the defense of human rights is available; 01 methodological guide for CSOs is published and distributed; 02 credible reports on the HR situation in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon are disseminated; More than 500 people use the DIKALO program. Through a methodology that relies on local organizations for the protection of human rights and the involvement of citizens.


2.2 Summary of previous quarter (Summarize of ALL the quarters for FINAL report)


After taking part of the ARDF-CE Grants awards signing ceremony on Wednesday October 27, 2021, at 9:00am, at the U.S. Embassy in Yaounde, we continued the project activities by informing different stakeholders and sensitizing human rights defenders.

The workshop for CSO leaders to allow, on the one hand, human rights actors to be sufficiently equipped to better manage new approaches which consist in using the Internet for the promotion, protection and the defense of Human Rights and democracy and particularly the DIKALO Platform, and on the other hand pool the efforts of CSOs in the work of protecting human rights in Cameroon in general and in the North -West and South-West in particular was organized.

We know we were able to document the cases of human rights violations in the two regions for the period from January to June 2022. This required the descent of several missions on the ground. A report was drafted, produced and printed. This report was made possible thanks to the consortium led by Solutions Cameroon and including, among others, Mandela Center International, Conscience Africaine NW/LT, La Coalition,…

We later improved and consolidated judicial and social follow-up of 25 women victims of human rights violations in the Anglophone crisis. This led to produce and disseminate periodic reports on the human rights situation in these regions through the inclusive mechanism set up within the framework of the DIKALO project, which effectively helped documenting human rights violations.

We also have to analyze and document all reported cases and proven cases which were then compiled in reports, a mechanism for victim assistance and support for women and child victims human rights violations which includes: reception, documentation of the case, legal assistance for possible reparation and sentencing of the authors of the violation.



2.3 Narrative of activities of current reporting period (ALL activities for FINAL report)


Activities from 01-0ct-2021 to 31-Dec-2021.

After taking part of the ARDF-CE Grants awards signing ceremony on Wednesday October 27, 2021, at 9:00am, at the U.S. Embassy in Yaoundé, we continued the project activities by informing different stakeholders and sensitizing human rights defenders. Both activities issued to the organization of the official lunching ceremony. We also take all the necessary measures to design and animate all the components of the DIKALO platform and carry out an awareness campaign to publicize the DIKALO Program.



Activities from January 1st to 31st of March 2022.

During this period, Solution Cameroun worked to develop the activities planned in the Dikalo project.

The main activity was the organization of a capacity building workshop for CSOs and especially the presentation of the DIKALO application and platform. The workshop for CSO leaders to allow, on the one hand, human rights actors to be sufficiently equipped to better manage new approaches which consist in using the Internet for the promotion, protection and the defense of Human Rights and democracy and particularly the DIKALO Platform, and on the other hand pool the efforts of CSOs in the work of protecting human rights in Cameroon in general and in the North -West and South-West in particular


In view of the importance of this workshop, many participants requested participation in this activity. This strong demands from participants (two hundred and thirty (230) requests received) could not permit us to maintain the initial limit of twenty-five (25) as planned. Indeed, the issue of good coverage of Cameroon by the application imposed the readjustment of the number of participants from 25 to 38. The participants on this workshop came from the Northwest, Southwest, West, Center and Littoral regions.

The participants having noticed that another organization had already attributed the name DIKALO to present a product having no connection with human rights agreed on the fact that DIKALO could have a second name, and the name MIANGO was chosen.

This workshop was held at Mont Saint Jean de Bafoussam for 02 days and brought together thirty-eight (38) participants from twenty-five (25) Civil Society Organizations.

The Bafoussam meeting led to the adoption by CSOs of an action plan for the development of MIANGO and the establishment of a follow-up committee for this action plan made up of associations democratically chosen by the different attendees.

The mission of this Committee is to support the implementation of the Miango/Dikalo platform in Cameroon.

On another aspect, this period saw the start of activities to document cases of human rights violations.

The same applies to support for victims of human rights violations who have reported themselves following the announcement of the existence of a support mechanism.

The activities during this period which ended on March 31st permitted us to consider with a positive perspective the continuation of the DIKALO Project.


During this period, we also carried other activities within the framework of the project. These include:

  • Organization of a workshop to validate the observations recorded during the Bafoussam workshop
  • Follow-up of cases of victims of human rights violations
  • Documentation of NOSO cases
  • Awareness posters


Activities from April 1st to 30th of June 2022.


During this period, Solution Cameroun worked to develop the activities planned in the Dikalo project.


  1. Promotion of the Dikalo Platform

We have reprinted flyers in English and French to continue awareness and communication about the already operational MIANGO Platform. These flyers were distributed in the cities of Bafoussam, Douala, Yaoundé, Buea and Bamenda. This operation was facilitated by the consortium of organizations involved in the Dikalo program from the Bafoussam workshop.


  1. Production of the periodic report on the human rights situation in the North-West and South-West regions.

We know we were able to document the cases of human rights violations in the two regions for the period from January to June 2022. This required the descent of several missions on the ground. A report was drafted, produced and printed. This report was made possible thanks to the consortium led by Solutions Cameroon and including, among others, Mandela Center International, Conscience Africaine NW/LT, La Coalition,…

  1. Assistance to women victims of human rights violations in the Anglophone Crisis

As part of the documentation, we were able to aid 17 women victims of conflict and displaced in the West and Centre regions. Other recorded cases are now monitored by the system set up as part of the Miango program


Activities from 01-Jul-2022 to 29-Sep-2022.

During this period, Solution Cameroun worked to develop the activities planned in the Dikalo project.


Improve and consolidate judicial and social follow-up of 25 women victims of human rights violations in the Anglophone crisis.

Produce and disseminate periodic reports on the human rights situation in these regions through the inclusive mechanism set up within the framework of the DIKALO project, which effectively help documenting human rights violations.

Analyze and document all reported cases and proven cases which were then compiled in reports, a mechanism for victim assistance and support for women and child victims human rights violations which includes: reception, documentation of the case, legal assistance for possible reparation and sentencing of the authors of the violation.



2.4 Key results achieved during current period (ALL results for FINAL report)


  • Project’s stakeholders are mobilized.

– All the components of the DIKALO platform are designed

– An awareness campaign carried out to publicize the DIKALO Program.

CSOs showed real enthusiasm for the DIkalo project during the Bafoussam Workshop

A report on the human rights situation in the Anglophone regions for the six months is available


  1. Project Chronology


3.1 Activities/milestones. Please match to activities on approved budget.

Date/Period Phase Activities % of completion
  Phase I Project preparation activities

It was a question of presenting the project with all its component, of discussing and definitively validating the role of each actor within the framework of the project, of collecting observations in order to reinforce the strategies of implementation of said project.

We also take all the necessary measures to design all the components of the DIKALO platform .



January to March 2022 Phase II Carry out the awareness campaign to publicize the DIKALO Program 100%
February 2022






Jan to March 22

Phase III Organize a training workshop for CSO leaders to allow, on the one hand, human rights actors to be sufficiently equipped to better manage new approaches which consist in using the Internet for the promotion, protection and the defense of Human Rights and democracy and particularly the DIKALO Platform, and on the other hand pool the efforts of CSOs in the work of protecting human rights in Cameroon in general and in the North -West and South-West in particular.

Judicial and social follow-up of 25 women victims of human rights violations in the Anglophone crisis.

Jan to March Phase IV Produce and disseminate periodic reports on the human rights situation in these regions through the inclusive mechanism set up within the framework of the DIKALO project, which will make it possible to effectively document human rights violations.

Analyze and document all reported cases and proven cases will then be compiled in reports and fifthly, a mechanism for victim assistance and support for women and child victims human rights violations which includes: reception, documentation of the case, legal assistance for possible reparation and sentencing of the culprits.

April to June Phase IV Produce and disseminate periodic reports on the human rights situation in these regions through the inclusive mechanism set up within the framework of the DIKALO project, which will make it possible to effectively document human rights violations.

Analyze and document all reported cases and proven cases will then be compiled in reports and fifthly, a mechanism for victim assistance and support for women and child victims human rights violations which includes: reception, documentation of the case, legal assistance for possible reparation and sentencing of the culprits.




3.2. List remaining activities/milestones to be carried (add more lines if necessary.)



  1. Project Change (If applicable and previously approved by the Embassy)

Not Change


4.1. Reason for change


4.2. Describe every major change to original plan that occurred during the implementation of the project.


4.3. Date of change approval notice/email/letter from Embassy


  1. Level of achievement of indicators (Not for Self-Help projects)


S/N Indicator Type Outcome/


Baseline Target Met
Female Male Non Gender
1 The number of cases successfully treated  output   25  17  1 0
2 the level of reduction on cases of violations  output   10%     0
3 Number of human rights organizations involved and trained to use the platform  outcome   25   25
4 Number of human rights defenders trained to use the platform  outcome    25  15  23  
5 Number of cases documented by the platform   50  18  
6 The number of victims supported by the legal aid and support mechanism  output   25  17  5  



  1. Project Beneficiaries, Effectiveness, Results and Impact (TIS SECTION IS FOR FINAL REPORT ONLY)


  • Beneficiary population of the project
  • Number of beneficiaries
  • -Direct beneficiaries: 25 leaders of capacity associations and about 500 members of their associations (10 members/association).
  • -Indirect beneficiaries: internally displaced women (IDWs) 5,878, people sensitized during the campaigns (about 500 people) and potential beneficiaries of the assistance (about 50 people)
  • TOTAL: 25+500+5878+500+50= 6,953 people


  • Project effectiveness


-The existence of an Internet platform DIKALO for the alert, defense and protection of human rights;

-The national and international community now has permanent and credible data on the human rights situation in the North-West and South-West of the country and will give an important place to the advocacy actions that will be undertaken;

– A decrease in cases of human rights violations in conflict areas;

-The Dikalo application will increase the level of information on human rights violations;


  • Other key results achieved


The Dikalo application will increase the level of information on human rights violations; -It will also provide information that can facilitate the prosecution of those responsible for violations.

It will also provide information that can facilitate the prosecution of those responsible for violations. -Every Android phone owner who downloads the DIKALO application becomes a potential human rights defender.


  • Project impact


Following the implementation of the project, an innovative digital victim alert, protection, reporting and safety programme is functioning normally.

The number of cases successfully handled

-the number of components of the platform

-the number of cases documented by the platform

-the number of reports disseminated

-The number and type of actions taken by public decision-makers, the international community.


  1. Challenges (if any): Local challenges for populations due to the deterioration of the socio-political situation

and the lack of Political will.

Lack of collaboration of state agents and Fear of reprisals from HRD


  1. Other remarks (if any):


  1. Financial reporting:


  1. Provide financial report on the Excel and PDF (SF425) forms provided by the Embassy.


Provide community or other contributions in the separate column reserved for organization.





Pictures of the reporting period activities (compress and attach as many pictures as you want)



















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